SiPHiCo - Simple PHP Hit Counter
The name says it (almost) all. It's a simple hit counter written in php
and using sqlite as database. It looks something like this:
Including is easy, just put the line
<img src="[path_to_siphico]/?[counter_name]">
and the hits will be counted as the graphic is created. After that the
IP will be blocked for further counts (default: 10 minutes).
It requires PHP running on a Webserver configured with sqlite database
and gdlib graphics functions. I'm using PHP 7.4.33.
It should run on PHP 4.x, but it's completely untested. Graphics
output will be done in the same format as input.
Administration (creation of counters, etc.) is done be via a web frontend,
which is password protected. There's also a log, a small statistics page
and a calendar showing the hits per day in there.
There also is a small function for inclusion of your own php source to
count access without displaying an image.
Setup is rather easy: download the archive below and unpack it into the
desired location. After that, edit config.php to fit your needs. Finally
run "$ php database.php" or open http://url/to/siphico/database.php to
create the database. Now everything is setup, and you should be able to
log in using the url http://url/to/siphico/admin.php .
Note: this software is mainly coded for personal use. There are no big
testsuite runs before a release. This goes especially for the database.php
upgrade. Backup your database first! If something goes wrong, please let
me know, and I'll provide you with a working database.php.
Download: download_link('siphico.tar.bz2'); ?>
- 2007-05-27:
- New features:
- Windows Vista included in statistics
- Icewheasel counted as Firefox in statistics
- statistics now in include last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 365 days
- new function to count without displaying an image
- exclude configurable user-agents from counting
- automatic log reload was broken
- 2006-06-10:
- New features:
- renamed createdb.php to database.php, because it also updates the
- added transparency parameter
- added output format parameter
- admin interface is now is valid xhtml and css
- log reloads every 5 minutes
- new calendar page that shows hits per day
- usage of dots in counter names resulted in not having a log
- 2005-08-28:
- History start. There are older versions, but changelist will start here.